Week 4
Back to office life this week, planning, meetings,
making arrangements, writing reports, re-writing reports, rearranging meetings
etc etc. A new breed of flexibility has been added to my list of skills this
time around. Monday afternoon saw me close my workshop officially with a
planning meeting....I attempted to use De Bono's
"Basotho" Thinking
Hats to elicit problem solving regarding how this new curriculum affects the
college.....I'm not sure if it worked as the group discussions were in Sesotho...but
we did come up with a very viable set of plans for the following year....a lot
of work for me to do in a very short time!
I had a very successful meeting with the Head of
Special Educational Needs, Mrs Phela...very keen to collaborate with our
Literacy Project and lead the sharing of good practice in Maseru. My meeting
with the Dean of the Faculty of Education went just as well, the harbinger of
many changes to come in the curriculum at LCE but keen and happy to help lead
workshops regionally for student teachers out in the field! Multiple meetings
with the Director of Academic Planning, Research and Consultancy booked me in
for 2 more weeks of workshops so all staff are trained to the same level.
Feedback has been excellent and all staff want to take part, which is bigger
than I originally planned....they are taking me very seriously! No
Lots more planning took place in lieu of these
plans....streamlined and improved version of last week for the Thaba Tseka LCE
campus, and my first Support workshop on The practical application of
Assessment for Learining. Applying theory to the practicalities of teaching
potentially 150 students in a simple, fresh and approachable way did prove
Only 12 lecturers came to the support workshop, but
it went extremely well as we all worked collaboratively to understand afl
strategies, techniques and potential approaches to Grade 4. What we did
discover though was a large can of worms - are we really able to sell AfL to
the lecturers? They have to use it's methods for their students to experiment
in school!
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